Glossary term
DefinitionBasic services refer to the following facility or service: Electricity: Regularly and readily available sources of power (e.g. grid/mains connection, wind, water, solar and fuel-powered...
Glossary term
DefinitionBullying includes physical, verbal and relational abuse. This scope reflects current research on bullying as well as the definitions for major international student assessments.Source...
Glossary term
DefinitionNumber of students at a given level of education enrolled in general or vocational/technical education programmes expressed as a percentage of the total number of students enrolled at the...
Glossary term
DefinitionNumber of graduates from each ISCED field of education in tertiary education, expressed as a percentage of the total number of graduates in tertiary education.Data sourceCensus or records...
Glossary term
DefinitionNumber of children and young people in the official age range for the given level of education who are not enrolled in pre-primary, primary, secondary or higher levels of education.Data...
Glossary term
DefinitionLanguage used in teachingSource definitionUNESCO Institute for Statistics.
Glossary term
DefinitionEvaluation of individuals’ achievement of learning objectives, using a variety of assessment methods (written, oral and practical tests/examinations, projects and portfolios) during or at...
Glossary term
DefinitionFoundational learning skills refer to the skills that make learning possible. Foundational skills are critical for students in kindergarten, first, and second grades. Foundational skills...

