Glossary term
DefinitionRoom or space in an educational institution or school library with computers connected to the Internet and devoted to pedagogical use. Irrespective of the number of available computers...
Glossary term
DefinitionLearners who have successfully completed a grade in academic year t-1 and have passed to the next grade in the following academic year t. In education systems where dropouts are not...
Glossary term
DefinitionNon-profit entity that consists of learners’ parents (or their legal guardians), teachers and other administrative school staff. The aim of a PTA is usually to promote participation of...
Glossary term
DefinitionBroad group of persons for whom schools need to adapt their curriculum, teaching method and organization, in addition to providing additional human or material resources to stimulate...
Glossary term
DefinitionGovernment-issued document on how its goals in ICT in education are to be achieved within a specified timeframe. It details each activity to be undertaken, the method employed for...
Glossary term
DefinitionGovernment-issued document which sets out the principles, guidelines and strategy for ICT in education.Data sourceDepartment within the Ministry of Education in charge of policy and plans....
Glossary term
DefinitionPersons living below the national poverty threshold in both urban and rural areas.Data sourceStatistical unit of the Ministry of Education or, alternatively, national statistical office....
Glossary term
DefinitionIndependent entity owned by a non-State entity, such as a firm, business enterprise or individual. Although the principal activity is non-educational, it may develop, finance or implement...

