Glossary term
DefinitionFilms using two or more languages of production.Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
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DefinitionAll formats of video discs (DVD, VDC), as well as high-definition disc formats (HD DVD, Blu-Ray disc) and video tape recording (VHS).Source definitionUNESCO Institute for statistics
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DefinitionPercentage of the population aged 65 years and over who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement on their everyday life. The literacy rate indicates the total...
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DefinitionSchool is considered as having toilets if they have a pit latrine, an improved pit latrine, a flush toilet, a pour-flush toilet or a composting toilet. A school should be counted as having...
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DefinitionSchool is considered to have potable water if it has a drinking water facility or water delivery point that by the nature of its design protects the water from external contamination,...
Glossary term
DefinitionIndividuals who are enrolled in literacy programmes through various modes of participation, i.e. traditional classes, distance education or any hybrid scheme.Source definitionUNESCO...
Glossary term
DefinitionTotal number of firms in the manufacturing industry.Source definitionUIS Questionnaire on Innovation Statistics: Manufacturing industry.
Glossary term
DefinitionAll firms in the business sector, which can be disaggregated by economic activity and size class.Source definitionUIS Questionnaire on Innovation Statistics: Manufacturing industry.