On the day that the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) released new global numbers of children and adolescents not learning, representatives from regional and international learning assessments...
By Silvia Montoya, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Dankert Vedeler, Co-Chair of the SDG Education 2030 Steering Committee
This blog was also published by Norrag.
The global goal...
Let’s review Indicator 4.1.1 on learning outcomes
In the recent introduction to this series of blogs, Everything you always wanted to know about SDG 4 data indicators… but didn’t know who to ask, I...
The countdown has begun, with just a decade to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal on education (SDG 4): a quality education for all. After so many years devoted to education at the national and...
Learn more about SDG 4 Indicators 4.a.1, 4.b.1 and 4.c.1
The blogs in this series have examined the indicators that measure progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4...
Learn about the indicators for 4.2 that assess whether children are ready to learn and have participated in preschool
I’m sure we all remember our first day at primary school. Our reactions may have...
With just a decade remaining to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for Education (SDG 4), relevant, timely, and quality data is key to monitoring progress and informing policy responses. This...
The UIS has launched its 2022 Survey of Formal Education for the reference year ending in 2021 to ensure the timely collection of data for the monitoring of SDG4. The questionnaires and the related...