Presents a methodology to combine access, completion and learning indicators that results in an adjustment of the SDG Indicator 4.1.1 in order to provide a more accurate view of the education...
Presents methodologies and strategies to help countries produce and use the global and thematic indicators needed to track progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 in education.
The UOE questionnaires collect data on formal education, including personnel, enrolment, graduates, source of funds, demographic data and class size.
Results of the survey will be released in 2020 ...
The UIS has released a new study to help countries and development partners evaluate the costs and benefits, financial and non-financial, of different approaches to measuring learning.
Produced by...
To mark World Teachers Day, the UIS has released a new edition of its eAtlas of Teachers, which presents a wide range of data and indicators based on results of the Institute’s annual education...
UIS global education database
While the global numbers and regional averages on key indicators such as out-of-school rates remain the same as those published in September 2018, we have added country...