The theme of this year's International Literacy Day on Friday, 8 September, is ‘Literacy in a Digital World’. The Day aims to highlight the kind of literacy skills people need to navigate this world...
Digital literacy is a key component of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with Target 4.4 aiming to increase the share of youth and adults with relevant technical and vocational skills for...
From the cocoa farmer in Ghana using a mobile phone to market crops to the nurse in Sweden using telehealth to check on patients at home – digital literacy is considered an essential set of...
The latest SDG 4 Data Digest 2018, Data to Nurture Learning, summarized, among other things, the progress made by a range of partners working with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) towards...
DefinitionLevel 2 of PIAAC Proficiency Levels for Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments: "At this level, tasks typically require the use of both generic and more specific technology...