New data on out-of-school children and youth
A new policy paper released jointly by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report shows that the global...
Six out of ten children and adolescents are unable to meet minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, according to the UIS. A new paper presents the methodology used to produce these...
I welcome the launch of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data, which was released today at the UN World Data Forum. The plan directly reflects the mandate, priorities and...
The UIS will be showing the way forward on measuring learning and equity in education through a series of presentations and panel discussions at the annual conference of the Comparative and...
With the adoption of Sustainable Development Goal 4, governments have pledged to achieve universal primary and secondary education by 2030 and to eliminate disparities so that every child and...
In 2015, the international community agreed on Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which now forms the universal education agenda to 2030. Many countries still have a far way to go to reach these...
To mark International Women’s Day 2017 (March 8), the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is launching a new edition of the eAtlas of Gender Inequality in Education to show where girls and women...
New Module to Map Assessments of Children and Youth in School and Out
The UIS has completed the first stage in a major upgrade of its Catalogue of Learning Assessments, which collects a wide range...