Second report of the “Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 School Closures” conducted jointly by UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank and OECD. The survey is administered by the UNESCO...
This report provides a brief analysis on where we stand in our global education monitoring (GEM) commitments based on data collected by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) from national...
This report offers global and regional analyses of education systems and presents ISCED diagrams to help countries ensure the cross-national comparability of education data for SDG 4.
This report offers global and regional analyses of education systems and presents ISCED diagrams to help countries ensure the cross-national comparability of education data for SDG 4.
Ce document sert de guide de lecture pour aider les utilisateurs de données à comprendre et à interpréter les données sur l'éducation diffusées par l'ISU.
This document is the first in a new series of regional reports to map regional and SDG 4 targets and to provide an overview of the symmetries between the two. Continental Overview: Bridging CESA and...