Presents a new global indicator to measure SDG Target 4.1, showing that millions of children can be in school but not learning to a minimum proficiency.
Part of the UNICEF/UIS Global Initiative on Out-of-School children, this document presents a framework to monitor children out of school or at risk of dropping out.
Analyses data on school attendance for persons with disabilities and describes the next steps in producing more comparable data about these children at risk.
The UIS Theory of Change shows how to improve the quality of education and learning outcomes globally by catalysing a fundamental shift in the ways in which international education data are produced...
Presents out-of-school data for the 2015 school year and other indicators to show the critical role of education in reducing poverty as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Following the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is working closely with Member States and partners to develop new indicators, statistical...