As the official data source for SDG 4, the UIS is working with countries and partners to build consensus around the measurement agenda, while developing the indicators, standards and tools needed to monitor progress and help countries improve the quality and use of their data in the pursuit of their development goals.

The UIS is bringing together stakeholders from across the international education community through two flagship initiatives that will be meeting in October and November.

Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML)

The fifth meeting will take place in Hamburg from 17-18 October in Hamburg, with the support of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). The meeting will bring together a wide range of experts and decisionmakers involved in national, regional and cross-national learning assessment initiatives, as well as donors and civil society groups.

Key issues to be discussed: 

  • efforts to upgrade indicators that are currently considered Tier II and Tier III (which includes indicators  4.1.1.a.b.c,  4.2.1, 4.4.1 and 4.6.1);
  • potential changes to the list of global and thematic indicators that can be recommended for endorsement by the UN Statistical Commission in March 2020;
  • priorities and needs of countries in order to guide the upcoming work of GAML;
  • ways to strengthen partnerships with regional organizations in order to provide more targeted assistance to countries for SDG 4 monitoring.

Technical Cooperation Group on the Indicators for SDG 4 – Education 2030 (TCG)

GAML will also be preparing recommendations for the TCG, which will meet in Mexico City from 15-16 November, with the support of the Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE). The TCG builds political consensus on the SDG 4 measurement agenda by bringing together Member States, multilateral agencies and civil society groups.

The TCG has established three working groups on indicator development, capacity building and country reporting of data for international monitoring. The fifth meeting will review the progress of these working groups while addressing a range of issues related to:

  • indicator development, reporting and benchmarking processes;
  • challenges and obstacles countries face in producing and reporting on SDG 4 indicators.