173 result(s) found. Displaying 145 - 152 of 173 articles.
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) works closely with Member States to produce a wide range of core indicators covering all levels of education. These data address key policy issues to track...
As the UIS Governing Board meets in Montreal from 5-6 December, the Institute is celebrating its 15th anniversary in Canada. When the Institute’s doors first opened in Montreal, a handful of staff...
The new site represents a radical shift in the way we present our data. Rather than sending our visitors to complex databases, the new site focuses on the kind of information that people want in the...
Le nouveau site abolit les barrières entre les données, l’analyse et les histoires afin de permettre aux lecteurs d’accéder à l’information dans son contexte. Les pages sur les indicateurs réuniront...
To mark World Teachers’ Day, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has released the first-ever estimates of how many teachers are needed to achieve the global goal for education by 2030. In...
Around the world, culture is acknowledged as the cornerstone of identity, providing a sense of belonging and the social and economic cohesion of communities. It is also the foundation of sustainable...
Despite pledges to increase funding for SDG 4, many countries still don’t know how much they are currently spending on education. They don’t have the tools or data to track expenditure by their...
The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity looks to the UIS for leadership in producing the data needed to keep countries and donors on track towards SDG 4. The report...