The workshop aimed at improving the completeness and quality of education finance data available in the participating countries for national policy-making and international reporting.
Financing of education remains a key issue for governments and donors. Reliable and comparable statistics on the sources and use of funding are needed to improve education planning, management and resource mobilization. However, many countries are unable to produce the data required for effective monitoring and planning. In this context, the UIS in partnership with the IIEP and the IIEP/Pôle de Dakar and with financial support of the Global Partnership for Education has been implementing a project built around the National Education Accounts methodology. The workshops were held in order to disseminate the results and methodology developed through the GPE-GRA/NEA project to a large number of countries which did not participate in the project. The representatives from 13 countries received training in key principles around education finance data compilation and analysis. Through participating in practical exercises using countries’ own data, national statisticians familiarized themselves with procedures and steps to be taken for efficient reporting and prepared to submit national data on education financing to the UIS.
UIS presentations
Country presentations