Education SDG Indicator on Learning Outcomes Gets a Major Upgrade

There has been an important shift in the global measurement of learning. The Inter-Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) has decided to ‘upgrade’ SDG Indicator 4.1.1 on learning outcomes: the proportion of children and young people who achieve at least a minimum proficiency in reading and mathematics.

Celebrating 15 Years in Canada

As the UIS Governing Board meets in Montreal from 5-6 December, the Institute is celebrating its 15th anniversary in Canada. When the Institute’s doors first opened in Montreal, a handful of staff shared just a few computers. Today, the Institute is the official and trusted source of internationally-comparable data on education, science, communication and culture.

Prochainement : le nouveau site Internet de l’ISU

Le nouveau site abolit les barrières entre les données, l’analyse et les histoires afin de permettre aux lecteurs d’accéder à l’information dans son contexte. Les pages sur les indicateurs réuniront les données et les infos, publications et visualisations associées. Les utilisateurs pourront créer et sauvegarder leurs graphiques et leurs tableaux sur un panneau dédié. Nous avons accru la portabilité de nos données et de nos publications. D’un simple clic, vous pourrez partager des graphiques sur les réseaux sociaux ou les intégrer sur votre blog ou votre site Internet.

Regional Workshop on Statistics of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education for Latin America and the Hispanic Caribbean

The meeting aimed at promoting improvements in the production of ICT in education statistics. More specifically its objectives were: (i)  review UNESCO’s activities in Latin America for the promotion and measurement of ICT in Education (ii) present the new ICT in education global survey and identify challenges facing countries in generating information on the same theme; (iii) Inform on a proposed model survey questionnaire on ICT use in educational institutions and (iv) promote a regional model questionnaire for the collection of national statistics on ICT in education.

Learning Outcomes

The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) is designed to improve learning outcomes by supporting national strategies for learning assessment and developing  internationally-comparable indicators and methodological tools to measure progress towards key targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4)

New UIS Website Goes Live

The new site represents a radical shift in the way we present our data. Rather than sending our visitors to complex databases, the new site focuses on the kind of information that people want in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals, packaged in the way that is most useful for them.

The biggest innovation has been to ‘unpack’ the UIS database, breaking down the once separate siloes of hard data, analysis (reports) and the story-telling provided by data visualisations and other tools. Now our web users can see the data in context.